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Can You Save Sweet Pea Seeds

Hybridized sweet pea seeds produced by cross-breeding two or more varieties generally wont produce the same type of plants and flowers as the parent plants. Three Kinds of Peas.

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In the heat of summer sweet peas.

Can you save sweet pea seeds. Sowing and Saving Sweet Pea Seed. Begin saving seeds from sweet peas after the shells turn brown and brittle. Here is a step-by-step guide to saving sweet pea seeds.

For us we soak the sweet peas sow the seeds and boot them right out into the propagation house. The criterion for the germinating of a sweet pea is similar to any other dormant seed it needs moisture and warmth to stir it into life it then goes on to form a seedling followed by a fully grown plant which will eventually flower. Sweet pea seeds should remain viable for two to three years if properly stored.

Harvesting sweet pea seeds is as simple as letting the pods mature on the vine until theyre ready to pick letting them dry out and storing. I just realised theres a lot of Ss in that title but anyway Today I sowed my Sweet Peas. Have you ever collected sweet pea seeds.

Sweet pea flowers come in many colors making them a popular choice for gardens and floral arrangements. On the other hand if you wait too long the brittle seed pods will break open and drop their seeds to the ground. When Do You Harvest Sweet Pea Seeds.

I planted them at the same time last year and they seemed to do very well. They can then be stored in a cool dry place until planting time. The noise they make when gently dropped against a hard surface is the easiest way to tell.

When the Sweet Pea leaves begin to fade and it looks like the plant is diminishing stop picking the flowers and let them develop into seeds. The average gardener will probably sow a packet of mixed sweet peas containing possibly twenty or thirty seeds. If you harvest the sweet pea seedpods before they are completely mature they wont germinate.

What to do with sweet peas when they finish flowering At the end of the growing season the best thing you can do is to save the seeds from your sweet peas and dig the rest of the plant into your garden bed or add it to your compost. Choose a sunny spot in your yard or garden. Sweet pea pods and seeds are not edible but you can harvest them from the plant to propagate more flowers.

Save yourself a job and steer clear of submerging those seeds. The process can take a couple of weeks but check them often. You can do this by using a nail file or sandpaper to gently scratch the seed coat she explains.

Share your tips and secrets in the comments section below. To plant more sweet peas you can harvest. As with all peas Sweet Peas dont like an acid soil so if you have a pH under 7 it would be a good idea to add some hydrated lime before sowing.

You can pick them and place them in a paper bag at this stage to dry and open in a warm dry place. They should land with a hard clack. If you are keen to start your seeds off before planting we suggest laying them out on damp kitchen paper and leaving this in a sealed container in a warm room.

Different coloured sweet peas produce varying sizes of seed. Sweet Peas will grow in any soil but will perform best in a rich and friable loam. Sweet peas of all varieties thrive in sunny areas making them a great choice for exposed sections of fence and walls.

You may see differences that can. Some of these will germinate others will not and rot away. If you want to save some of your own seeds for next year youll need to discipline yourself to do the opposite and leave some peas on the vine.

If youre going to save the peas to plant next year leave them until they are completely dry before bagging them up. These guys really like to grow on the cooler side of. Im planting three varieties Blue Ripple High Scent and Rose Pearl with a fourth pot of mixed saved seed from last year.

Once the seeds are soft and swollen plant them straight away. This is because some varieties have a hard outer shell. It is in full sun but we vent it during the day and at night we minimally heat it to keep it from freezing.

You can also soak sweet pea seeds in water for about eight hours to help soften their shell Soak seeds in damp paper towels overnight and they should be ready to. You will be able to hear the seeds rattle when you shake the pod. Any hint of a dull thud is a sign of moisture.

Be sure to collect the pods before they break open to save seeds for next season. Generally sweet peas should germinate fine without any treatment. Heavy clay or structure-less sandy soil can be made suitable by the addition of ample organic matter.

However others suggest that soaking may lead to weaker plants. Many people recommend soaking sweet pea seeds overnight before sowing to help them germinate.

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